10 Top Tips for Making The Most Out of Visiting Business Shows
Going to a business show is a great way to super-charge your networking and see the lay of the business land. But if your approach is random, you'll just end up with a pile of bumf, sore feet and a headache. Avoid that jaded feeling and make visiting business shows...
3 Success Strategies Used By Luxury Brands
And How To Apply Them to Your Business Luxury brands often work because they (at least in part) have no essential value or utility. They're aspirational. They're a way of showing you're not just keeping up with the Joneses but also getting ahead of the Morgans,...
Is tweeting on top of your to do list?
Why businesses should be pro-active on Social media Ruth Adams, Social media account manager at POGO Digital Marketing Agency shares her insight into why it's so crucial for businesses to be active on social media platforms. I don’t know about you, but as soon as I...
How’s Your Cash Flow?
A Cash Flow Forecast is a fantastic tool for planning. It's about predicting money coming in and money going out and the resulting balance during the same short time period (usually a month) across a longer time period (e.g. a year). Drawing up a cash flow forecast...
Is Your State Limiting Your Profit?
Recently, I had a chiropractic assessment. It's something I've been meaning to do for years but after...
If You Do Only ONE Thing For Yourself…
Does it ever feel like you're treading treacle? That you're running against the wind? Pushing an elephant up the stairs? Running your own business is a fantastic way of life. It can also be hard work if you're going against your own grain. Distractions Shoulds Coulds...
5 Christmas & New Year Business Tips
For many businesses, Christmas and New Year can feel more like an interruption than a celebration - especially as over the years the holidays have been drawn out to several weeks instead of a few days. Here are 5 things you can do over the festive season that will...
Psychology at Work: Improving KASH for Your Business
By Manjula Bray of Selectif Ltd It's people that will bring you results for your business. Yet many businesses miss two of the most important predictors of success when recruiting to their team. The acronym: KASH encompasses the key areas of focus for employers when...
3 Ways To Be Proactive To Boost Your Profit
Missing deadlines, purchasing at peak times, choosing non-scaling solutions are all ways you can end up overpaying for your essential services. Here are some ways BCR Assocociates' completely free, proactive service helps improve budgeting, cashflow and profit margin...
Are you making excuses?
Excuses Definition of excuse: Excuses can be seductive. And when someone embellishes an excuse with sophisticated sounding reasons, they seem so legitimate. And for anyone working with others, whether...
Why You Should Be Using a CRM
What is a CRM? The acronym stands for Customer Relationship Management and it is a system for managing future and current customer relationships. These days most business people look to automate what would have been a bulging filing cabinet (or even room) full of...
7 Simple Steps to Achieve More in Your Business for 2014
The weird bit between Christmas and New Year is the perfect time for reflection ...and for refreshing and renewing your business goals for the year ahead. Here's our 'quick guide' to getting what you want for your business in 7 simple steps... 1.Want went well in...
How Being Happy is Good for Your Business
Far from being fluffy, happiness can get you real results for your business. In this entertaining talk, Harvard University's Shawn Achor explains how being happy gives you greater success.
Outsource Locally and Save Business Costs
Outsourcing has long been seen as a way to reduce costs and administration hassle. But you don't need to be a large corporation to do this and you don't need to outsource to a big team in India or China. For SMEs (which make up almost 100% of businesses in Wales), you...
The Long Run
I must admit I'm feeling pretty guilty here, writing this, gripping a hot coffee and nibbling on some fruitcake whilst the Cardiff 10k race in underway. Well, okay, not that guilty ...but today's race has got me thinking ... you see I know quite a few people doing the...
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