A ridiculously wealthy friend of mine upgrades her house, moving to an architect-designed mansion with sea views. The cost of the move in terms of professional fees, removal services and new furnishings alone (not counting the cost of the property) was about the same as the average Welsh worker’s annual salary.

What happened next…

After the euphoric buzz of the move, after all her friends had been given the show-around (with accompanying oohs and aahhs of envy-fueled wonder), after her third garden party, after the dust had settled…. my friend called from her new house to tell me that she was feeling, well, quite flat.

The move had been a welcome distraction but pinning her hopes of happiness into one package didn’t quite solve all the problems it was meant to. And now she was further than ever from her friends and family and surrounded by wealth far greater than hers – making her feel, in her own words, “rather poor.”

Here’s the rub…

Success and growth can bring problems all of their own, whilst existing challenges still remain.

Whilst my friend didn’t regret the move to an upgraded lifestyle, she felt she needed to re-connect what was really important to her and what truly made her happy.

So after a period of change and growth, how do you fall back in love with your life and your business?

Here are 3 practical pointers…

1. What did you like about your business before you grew it to the next level? Can you identify and nurture an element of this in your day to day business life now that is still in line with your future business plans?

2. What did you want your business to do for you? Do you still want this or something different? Sometimes we get so caught up in business growth we forget to make plans in our private lives to enjoy the fruits of success…

3. Entrepreneurs can get addicted to the adrenaline rush of growing their business or just simply being busy, leaving us in ‘cold turkey’ during downtime. Why not reflect on your achievements or do some careful planning and evaluation in these quieter times and pursue something new and exciting in other areas of your life to fill the gap.

After growing your business you might find there are more options available to you for your next steps… more about this in a future blog post 🙂