For many businesses, Christmas and New Year can feel more like an interruption than a celebration – especially as over the years the holidays have been drawn out to several weeks instead of a few days.

Here are 5 things you can do over the festive season that will give your business an instant boost and set yourself up for success for the year ahead.

Tip 1: Review & Plan

This is the perfect time to review the year that’s just been and make plans for next year and more detailed plans for the next few months and identify your priority actions for January. Want went well over the past twelve months and what will you do differently going forward?

Tip 2: Book Appointments for January

People are often booked up and exhausted in December and can be reluctant to commit to any additional meetings …but they are usually under-booked in January. So why not fill your diary in January with appointments. You’ll find in the main that people are less resistant to book in a date for January and calling in December to arrange the appointment means you can also give your season’s greetings and catch people in a cheery mood.

Tip3: Give

Now’s the time to pay into your ‘working relationship bank account’ by giving. A nice thought, some free professional advice, a give-away or a useful chat over coffee for example can go a long way to build your professional relationships.

Tip4: Get Those Important Jobs Done

If like me the holiday boredom sets in after a few days, why not get a head start on those important jobs that you’ve been putting off all year… such as updating your website with testimonials, reviewing your social media profiles, nailing your accounting, researching ways you could improve how you run your business and perhaps even starting to write that book you’ve been meaning to publish.

Tip5: Put It Out There!

Don’t necessarily assume people won’t buy from you over Christmas just because they’re busy. Sometimes this time of reflection enables decision makers to step back from their day-to-day activities and, in a moment of clarity, realise they need what you offer. Make sure these people can find you and the relevant information about your products/services online so they choose you!

Finally, even go-getters need some downtime. Make it count by giving yourself some ‘me-time’ your style, whether that’s cracking open a nice bottle, taking a long walk along the coast or watching a box set back to back. Sometimes the best thing a business owner can do for their business is absolutely nothing …and just be present in the moment, ready to hit the ground running in January, refreshed and rejuvenated.