Why businesses should be pro-active on Social media

Ruth Adams, Social media account manager at  POGO Digital Marketing Agency shares her insight into why it’s so crucial for businesses to be active on social media platforms.

I don’t know about you, but as soon as I hear about a brand or a company I’m straight onto Twitter searching for them.  If a company hasn’t tweeted since February 2014 then alarm bells definitely begin to ring. I start to wonder “Are they even still around?” This is very concerning especially in the case of retail brands. Personally, this would even stop me from purchasing off their website. ..harsh, but what have they been doing for last 12 months?!

These days, it isn’t enough to just have a website for your business. Your online presence extends to social media platforms, not only Twitter; but to Facebook, Instagram and even Pinterest and Linkedin and there’s so many advantages to being active on these sites.


  1. Customer Relationships

It’s so common now for people to tweet pictures of their new purchases and tag the companies. It’s even better (and impressive if I may add) when the brand acknowledges each customer by tweeting back and making conversation with them…brand loyalty and all that. Oh, and this will also attract new customers. Many people will see people that they are following tweet you and click to see what you are about.

  1. Quick fixes

If unfortunately there is a problem with the product or there is a customer complaint; you can act on it pretty quickly and resolve it. This is faster and more convenient than emails and phone calls. DM is a handy little thing.


  1. Stay on top of your competition

Are your competitors tweeting? Keep an eye on your competitor’s profiles and make sure that you are doing even better. Show that you are up to date with industry trends; for example, if you are a fashion brand; you should be tweeting about the latest wardrobe must have’s in accordance to the runways or celebrity looks. You also can’t do wrong with high quality images promoting your products or services…don’t forget that visuals are key!  The more high quality the images…the more professional your brand will look to others 🙂


Don’t be that brand who hasn’t tweeted in 12 months…show that you are very much still doing business, stand out from your competitors and connect with your customer base..Make tweeting the top of your to do list! 🙂


Social media is only one of the many digital marketing strategies which should be carried out. Join POGO Digital Marketing Agency for a seminar in how ‘Google local listing’ can also benefit your business.

The free event takes place on Tuesday 3rd of March at 2pm and will be hosted by Digital Marketing specialist Russell Deasley.

Book Your FREE ticket on Eventbrite