Love Your Financials

Love Your Financials

In and around Valentine’s Day this year 2016 I am reminded of the KISS Mnemonic. In my book it stands for Keep It Simple Simon. I recently looked up HSBC’s Accounts and they were 160 Pages. When I assessed customers’ accounts in the 30 Years with the Bank it was...

The 5 B’s of Business Success

The 5 B’s of Business Success

As business owners, directors and leaders it can be easy to drive our business activities forward so hard and fast that we lose sight of the bigger picture. Working in and on our business is only part of the game. For short, medium and long term gain we need to...

What’s Your Word of The Year?

What’s Your Word of The Year?

Reflection, Goal Setting, Vision Boarding and Planning ...are all great activities for starting the New Year afresh with renewed inspiration. But have you chosen your Word of The Year? This is one word you can take forward that drives your goal getting, illuminates...

The ONE Biggest Reason Start Ups Succeed…

Bill Gross speaks about his surprising finding that is relevant to start ups and more established companies. He looked at 5 Success Factors: IDEAS TEAM BUSINESS MODEL FUNDING TIMING Finding that the factor with the biggest impact on start up success is.... (well,...

How Great Leaders Inspire Action

Starting with WHY, Simon Sinek outlines the Golden Circle model and explains how great leaders inspire from thinking, acting and communicating from the inside out.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – Quick Video

Stephen Covey's best selling book The 7 Habit's of Highly Effective People has had an enormous positive impact on business owner success since it was first published in 1989. It was one of the first books on this topic I read, back in my twenties. I remember mentally...

Nail Your Networking with this ONE Thing!

Nail Your Networking with this ONE Thing!

Blog POST Nail Your Networking with this ONE Thing! One of the biggest mistakes that people new to networking make is seeing everyone as a prospective client.Networking is not about selling to the room, it's about forming strategic, working relationships.Read On ...

An Important Business Lesson from Downton Abbey

An Important Business Lesson from Downton Abbey

What's the point of Downton Abbey? Why was it created? To entertain? To provide escapism on a Sunday night? Keep UK citizens Calm and able to Carry On? To promote Britain to America? Or give the wonderfully talented Maggie Smith something to do? ...well maybe all of...

It’s Not WHAT You Know, It’s not even WHO You Know, It’s…

It’s Not WHAT You Know, It’s not even WHO You Know, It’s…

Addicted to Information Obsessing about certificates and qualifications Name-dropping to impress It sometimes seems the business world is full of people swollen with data and hot air, smartphone in hand and ready to pop at any moment. I've certainly been guilty! It's...

StoryShaping for Business Success in 3 Steps

StoryShaping for Business Success in 3 Steps

We are hard-wired to listen to and actively engage with stories. Brain scans show parts of the mind that light up only when we are hearing stories. Stories are how we, as humans, make sense of the world. Yet many business owners and brands don't share their stories as...

Happiness Hacking for Business Success

Happiness Hacking for Business Success

If you pin your happiness on success, you might want to know that studies have shown than it actually works the other way around... Happier people are more likely to achieve success in business. Business benefits to being cheerful include... Spotting more...

22 Quick Twitter Tips for Business

22 Quick Twitter Tips for Business

You started well, with interesting, engaging tweets ...but then business got busy and you didn't have the time to give your Tweets so much thought ...and soon you are just retweeting everything and broadcasting 'lazy salesy' tweets or lots of @replies to get people's...

“So What Do You Do?”

“So What Do You Do?”

Do you have a ready answer at networking events? I have stopped asking this one in fact because if you have just come across a networking newbie they will tell you: in fine detail. The experienced networker will have a ready answer however. It will beg more questions...

How to Fall Back In Love With Your Business

How to Fall Back In Love With Your Business

A ridiculously wealthy friend of mine upgrades her house, moving to an architect-designed mansion with sea views. The cost of the move in terms of professional fees, removal services and new furnishings alone (not counting the cost of the property) was about the same...

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