Blog POST 

by | May 17, 2020

Self care

We asked some of our members what self care means for them, during lockdown.

Here’s what they said ↓

A 20-minute walk in the woods, or any green space, sets me up for the day. Focuses the mind – Maria Williams, Words You Can Use

Doing something for fun! Dancing, reading a book, listening to music, journaling or painting  – Stephanie Evans, Mindful Managing

It’s amazing what you can achieve in half an hour in the garden with a cuppa – Lora Payne, LCVA Services

A run or walk in the fresh air – Michelle Ward, Indelible IP

Sometimes it’s the little things that make the biggest difference – David Davies, The Core Asset

I’m rather fond of tea, but it does have to be made in just the right way! – Jodie Read, Penarth Management

As John Cambridge from VA Go reminds us…

You can’t pour from an empty cup.

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