Top Tips for Visiting Business Exhibitions

Top Tips for Visiting Business Exhibitions

Blog POST Top Tips for Visiting Business Exhibitions Going to a business EXPO is a great way to super-charge your networking, find new suppliers, discover new opprtunities and see the lay of the land in the local, national or international business world. But if your...
Why I Keep a Picture Hook in My Glovebox

Why I Keep a Picture Hook in My Glovebox

The clutch pedal footpad in my car has a tendency to become loose (a design fault now known with the model of car I drive). It’s a tricky thing to refit, taking a lot of effort and time to stretch and position it right… just when you think you have the...
The 6 Human Needs

The 6 Human Needs

At a recent Zokit event, Claire Baker of Boutique HR Consulting shared how she’s implemented Tony Robbins’ 6 Human Needs. If you are not familiar with this model, here’s Tony explaining them (colourful language notice!):   Many years ago I...


What actually is a notification? It used to mean being informed of something important that could have a significant impact …maybe something that needed an urgent action. Now we have streams of ‘notifications’ every day on our smartphones …...