Happiness Hacking for Business Success

Happiness Hacking for Business Success

If you pin your happiness on success, you might want to know that studies have shown than it actually works the other way around… Happier people are more likely to achieve success in business. Business benefits to being cheerful include… Spotting more...
Green Is Good For Business

Green Is Good For Business

This evening, Gwent Wildlife Trust hosted a Zokit networking and Business Wisdom session exploring How Being Green Is Good For Business. Jodie Read of Penarth Management led the session and we shared stories on how working with the environment not only is a good thing...
3 Powerful Questions to Rediscover Your True Purpose

3 Powerful Questions to Rediscover Your True Purpose

It’s easy to get distracted from exploring what really makes us tick and fulfilling our true purpose. There are so many options out there, so many possible directions, so many destinations …that we can all too easily get taken off track, perhaps just...
I Got Fired! And I Liked It!

I Got Fired! And I Liked It!

Recently, we had our first leadership meeting with our new team of Network Leaders. Finding the right people who can expand the vision of your business can be a daunting and often emotive journey for a founder. I looked to my network for ideas, support and...
“So What Do You Do?”

“So What Do You Do?”

Do you have a ready answer at networking events? I have stopped asking this one in fact because if you have just come across a networking newbie they will tell you: in fine detail. The experienced networker will have a ready answer however. It will beg more questions...