Blog POST 

Jan 25, 2020


“Having three young children, it’s difficult to contemplate a scenario when I’m not around.”

Zokit interviews Cardiff based will writer, Deri for our Behind The Business series.

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Maplebrook Wills

Your business in a nutshell:

I provide peace of mind by ensuring you have the right legal documents in place for when the inevitable happens; such as wills, lasting powers of attorney, and trusts to protect your assets.

Why did you start your business?

I took redundancy from the corporate world and wanted to learn something new.

Interesting fact about yourself:

Ran two London Marathons for charity with a best time of 3hrs 26 minutes. Never again!

A favourite quote…

“Would the boy you were be proud of the man you are?”

How do you relax?

Watching TV with my other half.

What luxury item is on your shopping list?

Disney in Florida with the family.

Favourite Place:


Life changing experience?

Having children, three of them, and the delights and challenges that entails.

What’s next for your business?

To develop my business to such an extent that I had to take on my first employee later this year.

How can people get in touch?

By phone 07414 645959 or email


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