By Manjula Bray of Selectif Ltd

It’s people that will bring you results for your business. Yet many businesses miss two of the most important predictors of success when recruiting to their team.


The acronym: KASH encompasses the key areas of focus for employers when assessing candidates for a job. The ‘K’ (Knowledge) and ‘S’ (Skills) in KASH are often prioritised in decision-making – unfortunately at the expense of the ‘A’ (Attitude) and ‘H’ (Habits) aspects.

But isn’t it the ‘wrong’ or poor attitudes and habits that cause most problems for employers? And while knowledge and skills can be acquired through various learning /training interventions, attitudes and habits are fairly stable aspects of personality…and really difficult to change.

As a business psychologist, I use assessment tools to help employers identify talent and support people to develop to their full potential using psychological coaching methods. The use of psychology in these areas enhances objectivity in decision-making by utilising evidence-based techniques.

So how’s KASH for your business? Are you creating good KASH reserves by recruiting the right people or are you creating problems for yourself down the line?


Next time: Adversaries and Advocates – managing the best and worst of your working relationships.


For an initial no-obligation chat with Manjula and to claim your free professional personality profile (one of the assessment tools Manjula uses), please contact her through her website